the ingredients :

4 tablespoons of toasted almonds

1 packet of fresh parsley, chopped

4 tablespoons of olive oil

4 tablespoons of water

2 teaspoons grated lemon salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1/2 Italian baking tray

2 medium zucchini pieces

2 red onions, thickly sliced

4 lemons, divided in two

2 chicken breasts, seasoned with salt and pepper, mixed salad, to serve

How to prepare

Grilled chicken with Italian pesto bread

Crush the toasted almonds in a food processor, add the chopped parsley, slowly pour in the olive oil and water, and add the lemon zest. Season the pesto sauce with salt and pepper until well blended.

Cut the Italian bread, zucchini and red onions into thick slices. Add the lemon halves, mix with the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Toast the mixture until the vegetables are tender and the lemon and bread are lightly toasted.

Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper and grill until tender. Brush the bread with the pesto sauce. The chicken dish is served with baladi lettuce.